A small problem with Euler New Roman

I am a new user of TeXmacs (I come from LaTeX and ConTeXt) and these first days of experimentation have been exciting, I am very impressed by this software that for some reason I have always avoided. I am writing because I am trying to set up a document with Concrete font for the text and Euler New Roman for the mathematical part. Everything seems to work except the numbers that seem different from the characteristic shape of the numbers in the AMS Euler font. I attach an image where you can see the problem in the last line (but also in the 1 of the drawing). It is almost certainly something that I am doing wrong, I tried to read some documentation, but at the moment I can not solve it. I also tried to import another Euler font (in odf format) and the numbers are correct, but I encounter other problems. But before embarking with external fonts I want to understand if I can use Euler New Roman that is already inside the TeXmacs distribution.

Thank you very much for any help.

Seems indeed that the setup of the ENR font does not use the correct digits. If you can access the digits via some other font, then there is some workaround. For example, I’ve used the font selector:

<assign|font|math digit=Euler-roman, math=ENR, concrete>

and modified the following line to $TEXMACS_PATH/progs/fonts/fonts-math.scm introducing the second line below:

    ((Duerer mt medium $a $s $d) (math-alphanum cdtt $s $d))
    ((Euler-roman mr medium $a $s $d) (math-alphanum eurm $s $d))
    ((Euler mr medium $a $s $d) (math-alphanum eufm $s $d))
    ((Euler mr bold $a $s $d) (math-alphanum eufb $s $d))

this should be enough to get things going, but it is not perfect. I would also like to use Euler as math font, this would require some more work, but I think this should be possible with the current facilities.

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Hi. Thanks, it seems to work. I’m not sure about my procedure:

  1. I’ve just imported another euler font (from here https://github.com/aliftype/euler-otf) using the Font interface (the import button on the bottom).
  2. I’m using your line
<assign|font|math digit=Neo Euler, math=ENR, concrete>

And now the digits are the right ones.

I’ve not changed the file fonts-math.scm as you suggested, I don’t know if this missing step is important or not, but I’m going to study the document you’ve posted yesterday so that I’ll have a better view of all the fonts stuff in TeXmacs.

I really appreciate your help, thanks again. R

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I found another approach, which seems to work better (as the digits are the upright ones, not the old-style as in my previous attempt).

<assign|font|math digit=ENR,math basic-letters=ENR,concrete>

This does not require any change to the files.

However I still have to understand why it works :slight_smile: I think this is due to the fact that instantiating ENR in this way goes around a “feature” of math_font_rep which is that it will always render alphabetic characters via its base font which for ENR is Computer Modern. With the current code I see only this solution: define a new compound font for the glyphs of ENR (not a math font) and use it in a smart font to retrive the letters and other important math glyphs, but use another font for the rubber. A long term solution would be that of being able to access the rubber and other large glyphs in the OTF version of the font, but this currently requires to modify the C++ code.

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Yes, also this second solution is working on my side. Thanks again for the help.

Looking carefully you can find some other small deviations from AMS Euler font. For example the summation symbol (\sum) is a little bit different. And also the integral symbol is too slanted in ENR. Anyway I think these are details, at the moment I’m really happy to be able to play with TeXmacs with this configuration of fonts.

After trying again I found a better solution:

I think this is the right way to do it (after importing the Neo Euler OTF font). The current stock version of TeXmacs cannot access the correct big operators and large brackets, but it seems the summation symbol work correctly now (but not the integral symbol).

I’m working in integrating OpenType math support into TeXmacs, (also thanks to the work of Ke Shi for OSPP 2024) and in my current work-in-progress the result is slightly better:

But this is not yet ready for release as I’m trying to design a good and robust system which would work for many fonts. See Proposal: OpenType math font support and Project: OpenType math font support

ps: a small problem is that the upright d for the integral cannot be distinguished with the regular d, I think one should find an alternate representation for it.

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under texmacs 2.1.2 installed in ubuntu 24.04 through P. Joyez packages, I can’t get Concrete to produce maths symbols or greek letters. Here is a screenshot

Am I the only one facing this bug ?

Works correctly for me on Mac.

I’m on Linux (Arch Linux kernel 6.12.8-arch1-1) and everything is fine.


I am using TeXmacs 2.1.4 on Xubuntu 24.10 (I think I installed it first on Xubuntu 24.04 using the Ubuntu package, but I may be wrong) and it works for me. Perhaps @pjoyez is interested in your bug report.

I installed the latest appimage and get exactly the same symbols …

I can’t install any texmacs or mogan 2.1.4 packages in ubuntu because of a libc6 problem : needs a >=2.38 version but only the 2.35 is and can be installed.

I have got the impression that I have had the same issue with some package and that somehow I went around it: if the memory becomes clearer and I remember details I will write again, don’t count on it though. Maybe the workaround involved installing the package through the terminal (plus something else, that may be telling dpkg to install the missing packages through the terminal) and not through the graphical package installer; in other words, that some action that did not seem enough as a workaround turned out to be.

With my latest AppImage (from Nov. 1st), I can’t reproduce that problem. Have you tried to clear the font cache?


in fact, on my laptop I could install the package via the 23.10 slowphil branch, but can’t reproduce it on my desktop …


clearing the cache didn’t work for the .deb package from your 23.10 branch. Don’t have access to my desktop with the Appimage running on till this evening. I’ll let you know.


  • install TeXmacs (or Mogan) on ubuntu has become more and more a pain in the ass
  • change the fonts in TeXmacs have always been difficult (at least for me)