Can I implement a feature to link notes to each other?

I’m using the mark-taking note Obsidian for lots of my notes, and actually also partially for math notes.

However, TexMacs is much more convenient to type the notes. Some things that I really enjoy about obsidian however are:

  1. Being able to quickly skip around between notes in a Sidebar
  2. Very easy linking of notes to each other (autocompleting all note names when starting a link in a document etc., being able to link to specific headlines in another note)
  3. A graph which shows which notes are linked how etc.

(3 is mostly eyecandy though, I am not sure how relevant it is for my productivity).

I wanted to ask if something like 1 or 2 already exists.

And if not so, would it be hard to implement (I think its relativiely important here that texmacs needs to open a “Folder” and quickly index all the names)? Where should I start?

As a background I really enjoy programming in my free time and have lots of experience, however not so much in functional languages like Scheme (apart from some excursions into Haskell).


We discussed it here before: Proposal: bi-directional link feature

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I would try to implement this creating specific markup for “zettelkasten” links, e.g. zk-link. Given a directory is very easy to write a script which skim over all the files and collect a graph of the links and suitable metadata. You can start from here to write more complex macros to replicate obsidian behaviour. If you need help you can contact me.

As an example, this code:

is what I use in my web site (written in TeXmacs) to create an atom feed from the status of the git repository. And here:

I try to explain how to use some of the scheme procedures that TeXmacs makes available to operate on documents. Please refers also to TeXmacs’ documentation for developers.