Importing tables from external files

Dear all,

I am a LaTeX user seeking to get into the TeXmacs system. One feature, however, is essential for me, and I would like to know if it’s possible.

I am aware of the table creation facilities in TeXmacs. But in my usual workflow, I use statistics software (Stata in particular) to produce tables in individual tex files. I can then use these files within a manuscript via the \input{} command. The nice thing about this is that it’s all automatic: if I add a variable to a regression, the table file and, thus, the table in the manuscript gets updated. Tables in my field usually have many rows and columns, making manual entry too tedious.

Is this or something similar possible in TeXmacs?

Hi @gaksaray and welcome to the forum.

Please take a look at

I think I can improve it to be closer to what you need. Now it inserts the table into the document (I think I recall well), I can modify it to make it typeset the table, which would make it possible to modify the typeset table upon modification of the table in the source file without deleting the current table first.

The files at, which I haven’t look at since several years, do that, but they are weak from the point of view of security—I am forcing users to “accept all scripts”, and there must be a better way to make them run. As soon as I find the necessary concentration I will do that; it will take a while.


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You can also give a look at this thread for some insights on TeXmacs automation capabilities: Using data from tables in interactive sessions

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