I’m new to Texmacs, and I’m really interested in knowing how to create plugins to simplify my workflow.
I’m coming from LaTeX + Vim to do my presentation, and I’m quite a big fan of plain-text, and the unix tools to process it.
I find myself in the same situation as the browser: modern browser offer amazing features, but I’m lacking the text editing experience from vim. So for example I use a plugin to edit every text-area in the browser in an emulation of vim.
My question is: how can I do that in texmacs ?
If I want to type an entire paragraph in my favorite editor, how can I do it ?
The behavior I would like to implement is:
I use a shortcut key, that opens my editor, I create my text, I save and close my editor, and the text I just was editing is inserted.
Any help would be amazing !