Is it possible to highlight text in texmacs?

This is the location in the inserted portion of the tree where you want the cursor to go to. 2 is the third argument of with, 0 is the first argument of marked and the last 0 is the first position in the empty string β€œβ€.

I have the code below that creates a table and puts the images side by side. How can I position the cursor to point to the first figure?

(define (make-two-figures)
       (tformat (cwith "1" "1" "1" "-1" "cell-width" "0.5par")
                (cwith "1" "1" "1" "-1" "cell-hmode" "exact")
                (cwith "1" "1" "1" "-1" "cell-halign" "c")
                (table (row (cell (document (small-figure "" "")))
                            (cell (document (small-figure "" "")))))))) '(1 1 1 1))

It seems the right position is (0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0).

0: wide-tabular
0: document
3: table
0: row
0: cell
0: document
0: small-figure
0: ""
0: first position in the empty string

Useful tools are Debug -> Status -> Path and Debug -> Status -> Tree, although you need to run from the terminal to see the output. It would be nice if this could go into the debugging console, but I don’t see a way to do that.


This makes a lot of sense now!!