Need larger space before operator with the invisible-multiply package

Without the invisible-multiply package, the spaces between symbols seem too large (may only be personal preference). With the package, however, the space before an operator is too small. See the example below.
I can insert some space manually but it’s not easy to get consistency. Then I found I can edit the package and change the value from 0spc to something positive.

But the ideal setting should be smaller space between normal math symbols and larger space before an operator, as follows

I have found out from the narrow-multiply package (there are several packages that control spacing in packages/customize/spacing/, see also Controling the spacing (e.g. suppressing the space for multiplications) by @re4zuaFe) that the spacing policy can also have a tuple of values for multiply:


But I do not know what each value controls; the spacing between variables and between variables and functions seems to be the same. Perhaps @jeroen or @mgubi know.

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