Problem installing Julia plugin in TeXmacs (Windows)

Well it depends which one @MillerSilva has modified to add :winpath…

Anyway I take it a sign that the state of @MillerSilva computer is not clear enough for us to debug remotely. I’ve tried a clean install on Windows this afternoon and worked out just fine after adding :winpath, so it seems to me the problem is that we have a wrong picture of the internal state of this Windows installation and that something we have not considered in interfering.

If it is this, I might have contributed to it when I stated that the plugin worked from TEXMACS_PATH but not from TEXMACS_HOME_PATH

Also, this

seems not coherent with this

Edit: t would be interesting to further compare with

(url-exists? "$TEXMACS_HOME_PATH/plugins/julia/progs/init-julia.scm")
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Umm when I added (:winpath "Julia*" "bin")to the file init-julia.scm, this was saved as text format .txt. I guess that it can be a problem, I try rename to init-julia.scm , but I think that in reality it is saving like init-julia.scm.txt.

I just did it.

I want to compare with init-python.scm but I don’t know where is the permissions part. Here are the files:

What is the result of
(url-exists? "$TEXMACS_HOME_PATH/plugins/julia/progs/init-julia.scm")

@mgubi It returns #f

What about

(url-exists? "$TEXMACS_HOME_PATH/plugins/julia/progs/init-julia.scm.txt")
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Right click, click on Properties, go to the security tab. In the upper box you can choose the user, and in the lower box you will see the corresponding permissions.

@mgubi It returns #t

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Then do

(rename-file "C:\\Users\\mille\\AppData\\Roaming\\TeXmacs\\plugins\\julia\\progs\\init-julia.scm.txt"

and then check again

(url-exists? "$TEXMACS_HOME_PATH/plugins/julia/progs/init-julia.scm")

which should return true.

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and in the image I see notepad
It is quite possible that it happened there :slight_smile:


I would have seen the different name if I had read your post with attention:

But I was following only the train of thought that was in my mind, and I missed it.

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I did it and great!
A picture is worth a thousand words


I’ve updated the plugin initialisation with :winpath. Thanks to all for the help in resolving this issue. @MillerSilva please let me know if you encounter other problems with the plugin on Windows, I do not test myself that particular platform.


Got it!


I’d like to help. Just setup a Windows 10 virtual machine on my Debian SID. I will never use my 8 year old Lenovo laptop for TeXmacs development.

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