Problems about the icons and fonts

I have just compiled TexMacs from source code. However the fonts are quite blurry when running, after applying export QT_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTORS=1 , the icons become too big that are quite difficult to use. Is there any way to solve this problem? Thanks :blush: .

You could try and see if the settings under View -> High resolution settings have any effect.

Thanks for your suggestion.
I have tried out the method you suggested, but the icon becomes very small to see. Also the text can’t be seen clearly.

Can I ask what version of TeXmacs this is, what system this is on and which version of Qt you have built with? Do you use X or Wayland?

Im currently using TexMacs 2.1.2 on Pop!_OS 22.04 LTS with KDE plasma, built with Qt 5.15.3 and I’m currently using X11. Thanks

Mogan is a fork of GNU TeXmacs using KDE Breeze Icons since v1.1.1 :

It worth a try and it is easier to compile then GNU TeXmacs because GNU Guile 1.8.x is not required.


The SVG icon in math mode toolbar depends on Fonts. If someone know how to export a glyph as a svg icon, it would help me create perfect toolbar icons (in SVG).

Here is the solution: