Small formatting problem: tiny square roots

Thanks for reporting, @lmnjovreti. I still can’t reproduce this (Fedora Linux 34).

How did you install TeXmacs? Do you have LaTeX installed on that machine?

Could you please try running TeXmacs from the terminal and setting a temporary TeXmacs home path, so that we can exclude problems with your current profile:

TEXMACS_HOME_PATH=~/.TeXmacs.test texmacs

Isn’t that in Bash

export TEXMACS_HOME_PATH=~/.TeXmacs.test texmacs

You’d want to use export if you want to set an environment variable which outlasts your command. With

TEXMACS_HOME_PATH=~/.TeXmacs.test texmacs

you can temporarily set the variable, and its value will be unaffected once you quit that instance of TeXmacs. It’s very useful for testing purposes.

Thanks for the explanation, I thought that the function of export is to make the environment variable available to processes started from the terminal.

Thanks for that, yes I do have latex installed, though I don’t know how that would affect it if TeXmacs uses its own font. I tried using a different home path and the misalignment still occurs.

TeXmacs has the ability to load TeX fonts, so it may be that another one than the provided one is used.
You could try to run TeXmacs from the terminal as

texmacs -d -V

and then do Tools -> Fonts -> Clear font cache, followed by Tools -> Fonts -> Look for more fonts. That should show on the terminal which fonts are being picked up.

Ok I have tested this in a virtual machine, and the issue of the large gap seems to be gone, so there was probably some font problem going on. However, the misalignment still occurs, the alignment is very inconsistent with the top bar and the sqrt symbol. There seems to be two issues at play here, one with the wrong font being picked up, and another with sqrt rendering in texmacs in general being imprecise. Not sure what sqrts look like on your end though, I could be wrong.

whoops, you’re absolutely right! thanks for catching that! :blush: