Adjusting space between CJK characters and latin allphabet

Sample text: “漢漢漢foo bar漢漢this is a test漢漢漢”

In TeXmacs there’s almost no additional space between CJK characters and latin alphabtes, and of course it’s incorrect for typesetting. Is there any way to add additional space between CJK characters and latin alphabtes?

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The latest version of mogan introduced a space of 0.2spc between Chinese and Latin letters (and math formulas):


Later, this value should be customizable by the user.


This only applies if the document language is set to Chinese.

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A full space is too wide as in the LaTeX output in my opinion, especially if there is only one Latin word between Chinese characters.

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I think auto spacing and option should be maintained as two separated commits.

That’s why I complete the auto spacing part first. Setting options is much more easier than tuning the typesetting engine.

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