Best way to do custom presentation themes


my employer requires us to use a certain corporate identity design for beamer presentations. Right now, the only way I could manage to achieve the same results in TeXmacs is my by making screenshots of the template and use it as background image on the slides and setting the background of the title bar to a transparent pattern.

Is there any way to do something easier? E.g. I have to manually adjust the background image all the time. In presentation software there is the possibility to apply different templates like “slide with a picture and one column of text on the left side”, “slide with just a picture”, “slide with just text” and so on. How can I replicate such thing in TeXmacs?

Theme plugin will be a category in Mogan v1.2.6.


I just designed the code plugin and data format plugin several hours ago:

And the design of the binary plugin has been completed in Mogan v1.2.5.x:

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In parallel to the answer of @darcy, here is an idea—which I did not test.

Taking as an example the “title slide” and “section slide” of the Metropolis style of tm-forge, add more “themed slides” as macros made up of tables.

I think that an alternative might be to add tags alternative to slide that would behave as slide when for example flipping through slides back and forth but have a different style. I need to check, though, how the behaviour of the slide tag is coded.

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That kind of works. I’ll make a new macro for each type of slide now and see how far that will get me.