Can't see URL in IEEE citation

I cant get the URL field to be displayed in my bibliography, here’s an example citation from my bibtex file, this problem is present in all the citations I have added thus far.

  author       = {David Wilner},
  howpublished = {Online Video},
  month        = feb,
  title        = {ANITA Lecture - Imaging and Deconvolution in Radio Interferometry - David Wilner},
  year         = {2015},
  file         = {:IntroductionToInterfeometryIIWilner_2015.pdf:PDF;:IntroducitonToInterferometrySlidesWilner_2015.pdf:PDF},
  owner        = {Anita Chapter},
  readstatus   = {read},
  url          = {},


I’m using tmieeetran and my BibTex command is biber

In addition, I’m using JabRef as my bibliography manager so it appears to add extra entries for read status and file links.

TeXmacs does not usually call external programs to process bib files. This. is controlled by the style you choose for the bibliography. E.g. the styles starting with tm-... will process bib files with an internal implementation of the BibTeX mechanisms. Maybe you can try to replace the style with styles like abbrev (not tm-abbrev). In this case TeXmacs will call bibtex to process the file and extract the result. I’m not sure if TeXmacs can be parametrised to call biber instead. Anyway please read the section of the online manual about automatic content creation for more info.