Change shortcut for adding a tilde above

Dear all,

The default shortcut for adding a tilde above alt + shift + ~ is not working on ubuntu due to clash with system shortcut. How to define a new keybinding for this action, say, to alt + ctrl + ~.


You can try to read the following blog post and see if it makes sense to you:
if not, feel free to ask again where you got stuck.

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I use combo keys to insert many mathematical things. Since I came from AucTeX (emacs LaTeX mode) I use backtick + character to insert a lot of things in math mode. For example I have:

In my c:\Users\guraltsev\AppData\Roaming\TeXmacs\progs\my-init-texmacs.scm file

(delayed (lazy-keyboard-force)
  (kbd-map (:mode in-math?) 
    ("`" "" "")
    ("` `" "`")
    ("` ~" (make-wide "~"))
    ("` ^" (make-wide "^"))

The first two clear the binding for the backtick and make a double backtick insert a single backtick
The third is exactly what you want (bound to ` + ~)
and I also have a hat command.


Thanks for sharing your approach, it is helpful!

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