Change starting item and starting page

How do I change a) the starting page number to something besides 1 and b) the first item of a list to something besides 1? There was a topic that seemed to touch on this, where the answer involved inserting codes in brackets like <assign|item-nr|40>, etc., but I’m not really understanding how to insert these as codes as opposed to making them part of the text. Do I have to define a macro and then run it? Is there a simple, user-friendly way?
Update: I’ve found a way to modify one individual item in a list at a time by double-clicking on the item number and using “rendering.” Then the following item defaults to 1 and I can change it in turn… but there ought to be a way to just reset the number and have it start from there. Still haven’t figure out how to change the page number, though.

For the page: <assign|page-nr|2> on the page to which you want to assign number 2

Here are two ways to insert this as code. One is to copy it and paste it letting TeXmacs know that it is TeXmacs code; use the menu: (Edit -> Paste from -> TeXmacs).

The other is to press the backslash (\), which will let TeXmacs know we are entering a command; follow this up with typing assign and press Return; you will get blue brackets with two fields, one is for page-nr and the other for 2; press Return again and the page number will change. I think that you have to remember that you did that assignment, as I know of no way the document itself tells you what you did.

Same for the item number; insert the code before the item you want to change, you have to assign the number that precedes the one you want; as you press the backslash, the alignment of the item will change, but it will revert to its default one once you have activated the code with Return.

Pls. ask if you need more detail.