If I disable all ui elements (status bar and icon toolbars), I still get gray padding around the paper. Is it possible to disable this, so that the paper takes up all of the widnow?
Disable gray padding around paper
The padding is there due to the mismatch between the actual paper dimension and the window dimensions. I’m not sure what you mean by disable it. Maybe you would like to change the color? You can also (in the Document menu) select “Margins as on paper” to see the actual paper margins of the document. Or “fit to width” in the “view” menu, to zoom enough to fill the width of the window.
I would like to have the paper start at the x, y (top left corner) of the window. I like to size my windows to have standard sizes such as A4 and A5, so that what I see on the screen is the actual size of the printed paper. I have some window manager scripts to do this. The padding is not added because the paper is of different size than the window as you have suggested, because the paper has the exact same aspect ratio as the window and padding is all around the paper. I tried to adjust some of the CSS stylesheets but I had no luck so far. I guess the interal TeXmacs widget is not controlled by CSS.
I’m not sure I got it: if the screen is in A4 proportions, then the document region will not have the same proportions as there are menus and status bar around it. To compensate this TeXmacs will have to proportionally add grey areas on the sides. Maybe you can post a photograph of the screen so that we understand better the problem.