Exit "raw edit" mode


through an accidental combination of keystrokes I ended up with a document view where all the tags are expanded (see figure below). How do I revert to normal view? Even better, where in the documentation can I find more info about getting into and exiting this view?

Thank you,


Through another operation in the menu (which I cannot reproduce anymore), I was able to revert to the standard editing mode. So, the problem is gone.

I would still appreciate if someone can point me to documentation on how to enter and exit this “raw editing” mode.

Thank you,


You probably clicked Document->Source->Edit source tree.

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Thank you.

To recapitulate (on my Windows 10/TexMacs 2.1):

  • In the source tree click on: Document -> Source -> Edit source tree
  • To revert to human friendly format: In the Source menu, Edit Preamble is checked. Click on it to uncheck it.

Both of these have a keyboard shortcut of Meta-Alt-S


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As far as I know the menus are the same for all OSs, but the default keybindings different; although (as far as I know) the same keybindings can be activated through the preferences menu.