Feature Request: Spell Check

I know that TexMacs has a spell check option but I really enjoy the immediate spell check feedback I get from Overleaf or Word. Is it possible to get that (the red wiggly lines underneath wrong words) in TexMacs ?

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I like this feature too,
Don’t know if this feature could be easily implemented in TeXmacs.

It should be doable in the background while typing. Maybe worth to put in the wishlist in savannah. I’m not sure it is a priority. But if somebody wants to try does not seems difficult either, actually should be possible to do it in scheme…

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Personally, I think this would be very valuable to have.

I’m wondering about an implementation in Scheme. I suppose such an approach would work by altering the tree structure to underline misspelled words (I don’t know another way to highlight words from Scheme). Is this a desirable approach? Tags labeling these words could be made screen-only, but still, it would be introducing tags. Do we want to have these tags in the saved file? I don’t think so, so can we keep them from being saved? Can we prevent the introduction of such tags from affecting the edit history?

I think this is the approach. For example look at how search is implemented (the highlight box is a markup in the document, not a visual feature). There is some temporary markup which modify the appearance of the document. I’m not sure how it is made temporary. But this is what we want. I think.

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I see, from a brief look at the source (TeXmacs/progs/generic/search-widgets.scm), it seems the highlighting is done by “alternative selections” using set-alt-selections. That glue function seems to take care of drawing the colored boxes.
The function is also used in the current implementation of the spell checker (TeXmacs/progs/generic/spell-widgets.scm).

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