Happy Spring Festival! And plans about Mogan v1.1.2

Happy Spring Festival!

Mogan v1.1.2 will be released on 2023/01/27! And I will post the release info in this thread as often as possible to gather feedbacks from users.

Here is the roadmap of Mogan v1.1.2:

We’ve completed almost all the new features. I’m the release manager of Mogan v1.1.2. Because I will be very busy in Feb and March in 2023, if we need to launch a bug fix release: Mogan v.1.1.3, there will be another release manager.


Mogan v1.1.2 beta1 is releasing (CI for packaging is running):


I will manually build the Mogan v1.1.2 beta1 for macOS M1 and upload it later. Because there is no macOS M1 github action available.

Mogan v1.1.2-beta1 M1 is available now:


Will you try to reduce the CPU usage when Mogan is not being used? The issue is still there with this beta.

On my computer, just letting texmacs run idly consume ~8% CPU per thread. My laptop has 4 cores (8 threads). So, this boils down to 1% system resource usage, while doing nothing. I’m talking about texmacs here.

Have you ever tried Mogan? Is its performance better or worse on your laptop?

If I remember correctly, it also had the same idle cpu usage.

It is a pity that I’m not a super hero. It will be solved but not in Mogan 1.1.2.

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Mogan v1.1.2 beta2 is releasing (CI for packaging is running):

Mogan v1.1.2-beta2 M1 is available now:

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Known issues of beta1 and beta2:

The scheme routine getenv does not work on Windows, thus, some plugins (like maxima) fail to work.

Mogan v1.1.2-rc1 is available now (macOS/Windows/macOS M1):



Trying Mogan with a large set of slides I could barely work because of lag and it’s now better than ever :slight_smile: Thanks a lot for your work! (MacOS Ventura)


You are comparing with TeXmacs or with previous versions of Mogan? Would it be possible to have those slides?

I just tried the v1.1.2-rc1 build. Compared to TexMacs, Mogan launches faster and loads documents faster.

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Mogan v1.1.2-rc2 is available now (Windows/macOS/macOS M1):


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Got a chance to try mogan. Surprisingly its Emacs keymap regards Alt instead of Win as Meta, same as real Emacs on Linux. That’s really nice!