How to avoid replacing backticks with curly quotes (= apostrophes)?

Each time I insert a backtick ( ` ), TeXmacs replaces it by an opening curly quotation mark ( ). Is it possible to stop it doing so?

Automatic quotes (Edit > Preferences > Keyboard > Automatic quotes) are already disabled, but this affects " only.

I thought that this would work, swapping the first and second variant of the backtick, so that you get a backtick with a backtick and the quotation mark with backtick tab, but it does not.
Does anyone know why?

 (kbd-map (:mode in-text?)  
 ("`" "`")
 ("` var" "<#2018>")))

BTW @texmacs_2021 you can still try it in your my-texmacs-init.scm, maybe for you it works

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The code works for me if I insert it in a session. Haven’t tried my-init-texmacs.scm yet.

I should say that in the standard Roman font, I don’t see any difference between the two variants. There is a clear difference in Stix for example.

Thanks for the clarification!