How to correct translation errors?

Hi. The theorem and lemma words get translated into Slovak incorrectly. Theorem should translate to Teoréma not Teorém and the Lemma should translate to Lema not Lemma. How can I correct this? Thanks.

Current way is to report bug at Savannah.

Maybe developers can try to find some better methods.

Thanks. I reported it.

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Let me correct it this weekends.

I’ve correct it. Here is the dic:

Could you provide a new dic file to correct the wrong translation?

I guess

("lemmas" "lemmy")

is wrong. Because lemma is lema, and lemmas should be lemy.

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Yes, it should be lemy.

For Mogan, you can comment here:

I don’t know whether it would be easier to use some collaborative translation system to make corrections easier. For example, I see Neo Backup uses such a system.

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Translation system is good. But at lease one native speaker is required.

The point of such systems is that it makes translations/corrections much easier. The current bug reporting system does not seem to be that efficient.

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I think the problem is that the users of GNU TeXmacs/Mogan Editor does not care much about the interface (in their native language). They may care about it, but they do not want to report corrections or contribute translations.

Just post the corrections in the forum (and anywhere we can reach), and let us know, and we will do the corrections. The only problem is that they do not report. And the developers do not know all the natural languages.