How to create a publication list from a ".bib" file?

I encounter two issues trying to composing a publication list in my CV from every entries in a .bib file.

  1. I can use nocite one by one, but that’s not efficient.
  2. I can remove the title “Bibliography” by modifying Bibliography text, but they are large vertical spaces before the lists (screenshot).

There is no alternative than nocite. I suggest you use a script to gather all the cite markers and then create programmatically the \nocite command. Can be done via scheme:

(define s (string-load "mybib.bib"))
(define l (tm->stree (parse-bib s)))
(define t (map caddr (filter 
     (lambda (entry) (and (pair? entry) (eq? (car entry) 'bib-entry) 
             (not (equal? (caddr entry) "")))) (cdr l))))
(stree->tree (list `inactive (cons `nocite t)))


I added to tm-forge my own publication list, you can give a look if it helps you: