How to jump outside a braket quickly

as shown in the above figure, when my cursor is inside a bracket, which is highlighted in a cyan rectangle, how to jump to the outside of it using some simple keybindings (maybe need create manually but I have no idea how to implement this), rather than hit multiple times of go-to-right or leaving the keyboard and using mouse?

You can use the Exit tag functionality. There are “exit sign” buttons on the toolbar to do that. If you hover over them, you should see the keyboard shortcuts. For me, it’s Meta+Alt+Backspace and Meta+Alt+Delete for left and right exit resp.

thanks for the help!

I just managed to create my own keybindings to Exit tag on the right/left by using Meta-f / Meta-b.

One simply adds the following minimal lines to ~/.TeXmacs/progs/my-init-texmacs.scm

(:mode in-math-not-hybrid?)
 ("M-f" (structured-exit-right))
 ("M-b" (structured-exit-left))