How to reload image in a document?

Sometimes, after inserting a figure in a document, I realize a small error in the figure. I would like to know how to reload the updated figure in the document without having to close and reopen texmacs. Clicking on “Update this buffer” doesn’t solve this issue.

You might use Tools->Update->Pictures


I thinks that you asked this because Document -> Update -> All does not update picture links. The scheme method that updates the pictures is picture-gc. If you want to make a command that updates all (cross-references etc.) and pictures, then you can call these two scheme commands:

(update-document “all”)

The first command will just do the same thing as Document -> Update -> All, and the second one will update the picture links.

You can put these two commands in a new function:

(tm-define (update-all-with-pictures)
(:synopsis “Calls update all on the current document and also updates pictures.”)
(update-document “all”)

Then you can bind this new function update-all-with-pictures to a keypress.

Now you have a keybinding that updates all + pictures.