How to update document style

Hi, all TeXmacsers!

It is nice to find that TeXmacs contains the revtex document style, but currently the newest version should be revtex4-2 according to the official website.

Is it possible to update the built-in revtex version?

Or, if I should convert revtex4-2 into a user-define document style, how to make it possible, in the standard and possibly optimal way?


This is a misunderstanding. TeXmacs cannot use LaTeX packages since it is a different system. In TeXmacs there is a package which offers the same typesetting style as that offered by the LaTeX revtex package. One can modify it to comply to the last version of the original package but this is not automatic.

Thank you for the explanation. Now I know it is not very straightforward (at least automatically as you said) to update a given document style.

BTW I also realize that this is not necessary: since in this scenario my purpose is to write the paper draft quickly using TeXmaxcs, which eventually will be exported to .tex file, and in that case I can simply change the \documentclass by hand.