How will ChatGPT impact LaTeX, TeXmacs, and writing math in general?

Will it allow you to write math in any way that you like and it could then just know what you mean and convert what you type to a format like LaTeX?

See for example GPT4 converting user input to valid LaTeX on pages 25–26 here:

Maybe this could lead to a new input method for TeXmacs?

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I asked ChatGPT to construct a matrix: construct a matrix template in latex, with a_{11} a_{1n} a_{n1} a_{nn} in four corners, and some dots in the interior, it gives the desired output:



  A =
    a_{11} & \cdots & a_{1n} \\
    \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\
    a_{n1} & \cdots & a_{nn}


If I change latex to texmacs, it gives the same result. I guess ChatGPT takes a lot of latex documents in its training data, but no TeXmacs documents.