Idea: Real-time collaboration with LaTeX users via Overleaf

Maybe this could be done with real-time and continuous LaTeX exports and imports to/from Overleaf while you edit in TeXmacs?

Collaboration is already possible using the TeXmacs server. It is being developed and not documented but we do not have to rely on other software to do it. I’m also exploring the possibility to compile TeXmacs for webasm (maybe in a reduced version) so that people do not have to install it to use it. All this however require resources and time and patience :slight_smile:

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Wouldn’t using the cloud be more convenient though?

What do you mean exactly? TeXmacs in server mode is a “cloud service”.

I mean having to run a server on your computer would be less convenient especially with unpredictable sync times.

One server, somewhere is needed. The user does not have to run it, somebody has to set it up with an instance of TeXmacs running in server mode. All the other instances can connect in client mode. It does not seems to me much different from “Overleaf”

With Overleaf, no user needs to set up a server.

I’m sorry Amir, I think I was not clear. A server is needed to coordinate the interaction of various clients. This is the same configuration of any cloud service, including Overleaf. So it does not have to be a regular user, let’s say maybe an organisation can manage a server. Differently from Overleaf, TeXmacs is a free program, so anybody can start a new server instance. And any TeXmacs contains already a working server. Just start the program with texmacs --server.

I understood what you said. My point is that it would be more convenient for users not to worry about setting up a server.

It’s not just the setup that is an issue, but you need to make sure your computer doesn’t go to sleep, always stays connected to the internet, does not violate an ISP’s no server policy, etc.

There are many cloud services that TeXmacs could use to avoid having users run a server. Besides Overleaf, there’s GitHub, iCloud, etc.

Another possibility is to start a company like Overleaf but that is dedicated to TeXmacs. Like Overleaf, some collaboration would be free while some not.