Idea: YouTube reaction videos where mathematicians/scientists try TeXmacs for the first time

Do you think this would be an effective marketing technique?

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Sound nice. I’m worried that it is too slow as advertisement. We are actually thinking to produce small videos which in ~5min present major features of the program. That already would be a good start. A novice which explore the program does not seems very exciting to look at, but we could try.

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I think it would depend on who the mathematician/scientist is. A reaction video with Knuth would probably get a lot of views…

I have my doubts about the value of such videos as marketing, but I do think they could be very valuable as a way to find out where the interface and/or documentation could be improved.

I like the idea. I used to use LaTeX or Lyx to make my notes, until I got to know TeXmacs thanks to a teacher. When I do my presentations they always ask me what editor I use and I show them what TeXmacs can do. I think TeXmacs is not well known around here (Perú) so I am thinking of making tutorial videos (in Spanish) so that more people can get to know it and join the community.

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