Include a text file in texmacs and be able to edit it automatically

Good morning,

I return to my wish to include a text file (python or other…) in texmacs.
And I also want to be able to then edit the text directly in texmacs.

I have several ways to do it but they work more or less well.
I would like some advice and some help.

  1. My first way is the following (I use it with a keyboard shortcut):

(begin (make-include “/home/biz/Bureau/TEXMACS/mes-fichiers-texmacs/”) (buffer-expand-includes))

However, the (buffer-expand-includes) statement seems finicky. Sometimes it doesn’t work and the text file that is included in texmacs is not editable.

  1. My second solution is the following:

(tree-load-inclusion (string->url “/home/biz/Documents/fichier.tex” ))


(tm-define (mon-inclusion chemin-fichier) (tree-load-inclusion (string->url chemin-fichier )))
(mon-inclusion “/home/biz/Documents/equation2.tex”)

It works well but I have the impression that by using it locally in a procedure, it may not work.

  1. My third solution uses a python script which copies the content of my text file to the clipboard and writes this content to texmacs with the statement

(clipboard-paste-import “python” “primary”).

It seems to me that it works well in all situations but I avoided using scheme…

  1. I searched and found this solution in scheme which I can’t get to work:

define (fichier-texte-dans-liste filename)
(with-input-from-file filename (lambda ()
(let loop ((l (read-line))
(r '()))
(if (eof-object? l)
(reverse r)
(loop (read-line) (cons l r)))))))

I think this should give me what it takes to get the text file in texmacs but it doesn’t work?

(insert ’ (stm-list->document (fichier-texte-dans-liste “/home/biz/Documents/file.txt”)))

L’instruction ci-dessus ne veut pas me donner ce qu’il me faut pour retrouver mon fichier texte dans texmacs:

(insert ’ (document “ligne 1” “ligne2” “ligne3” “ligne4”))

I progress little by little and I try to create my own functions…
Thanks for your help.

You might want also to check out the literate programming package Packages->Utilities->literate which allows you to include in your document programs and extracts them automatically into independent files. I think is a great tool. It is not difficult to see how to use it if you know a bit the concept of literate programming, see . Note also that there is an old but good literate programming tool for TeXmacs, called fangle see AFAIK it still works with the current TeXmacs and has some more features than the package (but also depends on some external tool).