Sorry for spamming the forums. I want to learn as much as I can about this software and the docs can be tricky to navigate.
I notice that a lot of the documentation files available on TeXmacs are missing on Mogan (at least on Windows), such as the Developer Guides (not sure if this is a bug or they are intentionally removed).
Since Mogan uses S7, are there any difference concerning the material that is in the Scheme developer guide? Is there a different document in preparation?
Playing around with the two programs I’ve already noticed some differences. For instance, in TeXmacs you can run an scheme command with Shift+Meta+X. This doesn’t seem to work in Mogan; instead you can run an Interactive command
with Meta+X, but this is not a scheme command. Similarly the command that allows you to do this, (interactive footer-eval)
does not work in Mogan.
Thanks for your help.