Is there any attempt to re-write TeXmacs in some new language like python etc

First, Scheme is only one of programming languages that TeXmacs is written in. There is also roughly the same amount of C++ codes (albeit pre-ANSI). Next, rewriting such a large project requires a lot of labor forces. Finally, there are very few evidences that TeXmacs being unpopular is due to having Scheme in the codebase. Look at LaTeX. The packages are written in a non-modern peculier language (i.e. TeX), which does not stop its success.


You might open one and rebroadcast the content of

BTW, Iā€™ve read somewhere that linking to Threads from twitter is a bad idea as it could result in a shadow-ban on twitter. Is that really true?

I do not know. If it were true, you might reproduce some of the content. I think @mgubi would be happy.

I meant that showing a Threads account URL as part of some text on twitter could get you shadow-banned on twitter.

BTW, I need to focus on promoting my game on Threads so I canā€™t also do a TeXmacs Threads account.

I think in this case we do not need to worry about interactions between Threads and Twitter :wink:

True. But, I donā€™t mean unpopular. Rather I mean unknown to newbies, which I think is the primary reason that they are not getting attracted. LaTeX is really unreplaceable even today despite there being defects into it.

The same I wish for the success of TeXmacs. But with few hands how would TeXmacs be a success.

There must be some devised method to make it known to users at large. Why itā€™s not easily discoverable. Had this been so there would have been lot of users as well as more of voluntary developers.

See the case of Asciidoc. There was a time when it was declared to be the best. But, over the time pandocā€™s worst Markdown eclipsed everyone of the similar languages. But, Asciidocdor revived with a nenewed strategy. It is the only one which now also generates Docbook apart from best HTML but not the best PDF or Epub. Yet, it is not the best because I have gone through all of them.

But, I think TeXmacs with a renewed strategy, will surpass all. It already produces tex, pdf and html formats. However, it should also produce Docbook and Epub types too, which are the demand of the time. Also, modern source language rendering is as much important now a days. A number of TeXmacs plugins are not working. So a fresh approach to modernise it is very much required.

Dr. A. K. Singh