
Summer of Code Developers Plugins in Python
Topic Replies Activity
About the Community category 1 April 3, 2020
Kate Guide to develop TeXmacs/Mogan in scheme on Debian bookworm 1 July 21, 2024
Recent work and plans for the TMU format 2 July 8, 2024
TeXmacs falling into infinite crash loop 14 June 28, 2024
Project: Conversion from TeXmacs format to HTML and docx 12 June 18, 2024
OSPP 2024 Stage 4: Project Application Review 3 June 6, 2024
Project: OpenType math font support 3 June 4, 2024
Project: Add multi-tab display and switching functions 7 May 20, 2024
Cannot type "â" without a space 25 May 19, 2024
[BUG report] Crashes at opening on ARM mac with external monitor 7 May 3, 2024
Project: Syntax highlighting for programming language 7 April 26, 2024
Proposal: OpenType math font support 18 April 25, 2024
OSPP SoC 2024 Stage 2: Project Submission 2 April 22, 2024
How install numpy in TeXmacs 14 April 15, 2024
Support Virtual Environments for Python 3 April 15, 2024
Enhanced Python Plugin with Conda Env support 2 April 15, 2024
TeXmacs crashes after closing the `Replace` window 7 April 15, 2024
TeXmacs quick tour video: freely moving an image 4 April 14, 2024
Run error in TeXmacs 2,1.4 with guile3 3 April 9, 2024
Proposal: Pandoc support 4 April 9, 2024
Voice input on TeXmacs 2.1.4 1 April 6, 2024
Proposal: bi-directional link feature 9 April 6, 2024
Mogan Research v1.2.5 LTS Release Candidates available now 6 March 30, 2024
Proposal: Syntax editing for program language 4 March 23, 2024
Is there a nicer way to reorganize slides? 17 March 17, 2024
Proposal: Add Chrome-like tabs for TeXmacs 2 March 16, 2024
Proposal: TeXmacs template for university thesis 1 March 16, 2024
Developers' News: Lolly and Moebius 1 March 13, 2024
TeXmacs crashing when opening 15 February 21, 2024
TeXmacs 2.1 on Debian 12 - Bookworm 5 March 1, 2024