Hello everyone,
I’m new to TeXmacs and recently wrote a paper using it. When exporting my document to LaTeX and attempting to compile it via Overleaf, I’m encountering compilation errors.
After some investigation, I discovered that whenever I use the ‘>’ symbol inside an eqnarray environment, TeXmacs automatically adds the following code to the LaTeX output:
\catcode`>=\active \def>{\fontencoding{T1}\selectfont\symbol{62}\fontencoding{\encodingdefault}}
When I remove all instances of ‘>’ from my eqnarray environments, this code is no longer included in the export, and Overleaf compiles the file without any errors.
Is there a way to prevent TeXmacs from adding this catcode definition when exporting to LaTeX? Or is there another approach I should take to ensure compatibility with Overleaf?
Thank you for your help!