Job opening for a Research/Software Engineering to develop a collaborative editing service integrated into TeXmacs

It has been announced on the mailing list that a job position is available for the collaborative editing service integrated into TeXmacs. I am forwarding this message for forum users who might be interested in following up on the news mentioned in a comment from an earlier thread, but are not subscribed to the mailing list. Please forward this page or the linked email to anyone who might be interested.

Dear TeXmacs Community,

We are thrilled to announce a job opening for a Research/Software Engineering to develop a collaborative editing service integrated into TeXmacs. If you have a strong interest in open-source software, we encourage you to apply !

:date: Application Deadline: Monday, September 16, 2024
:globe_with_meridians: Details and applications here:
:round_pushpin: Location: Palaiseau, France
:briefcase: Contract: 18-month full-time position starting November 1, 2024

Do not hesitate to forward this email to anyone who could be interested.

Best regards,

The TeXmacs Team