Keyboard shortcuts for embedding an image

I made a keyboard shortcut function that allows you to import texmacs code that is in another file. It works very well.

(lazy-keyboard-force)(kbd-map(“A-a” (begin (make-include “/home/biz/Desktop/”) (buffer-expand-includes)))))

But I can’t manage to make a similar shortcut that allows to directly incorporate an image in my texmacs document. Here is my test:

(lazy-keyboard-force)(kbd-map (“A-i” (make-image “/home/biz/Office/TEXMACS/my-images-texmacs/logo.png”))))))

I tried make-image, link-embedded-image without success.

Thanks for any help you may have.
Thank you for your always interesting answers.

Please try something like this:

(make-inline-image `(,(string->url "/path/to/somefile.pdf") "200pt" "100pt" "100pt" "100pt"))

or make-link-image

Thanks a lot. It works very well. Have a good day.

Good morning,

the scheme make-inline-image instruction works very well under ubuntu (i.e. linux). It allows me to import images that I use often with shortcuts.
But the same instruction doesn’t seem to work on windows.
The link doesn’t seem to work.

You can click on the toolbar icon and import images (it works) but I would like to do the same kind of shortcuts as on Ubuntu.
Is it possible to make make-inline-image work on Windows?
I saw in several discussions that there were file path problems under Windows. They may not be resolved yet.
Thanks for your help.

I saw in several discussions that there were file path problems under Windows. They may not be resolved yet.

In GNU TeXmacs, you should use system->url and url->system to make it work for Windows, Linux and macOS.

And since Mogan v1.2.6 (based on lolly 1.4.x), I’ve changed the semantics of string->url and url->string, your code should work fine on Mogan v1.2.6 (will be released around 2024/05/10).

Currently, string->url is glued to url_unix and system->url is glued to url_system. That’s why string->url does not work on Windows. And it is the root cause why TeXmacs is buggy on Windows.


And in the C++ part, the implicit conversion from string to url is url_unix before, and I’ve changed the semantics in lolly 1.4.0.

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