Loading cas style packages -- what are the effects?

Dear all,

does anyone know what loading cas style packages actually does?

  • does it set the scripting language?
  • does loading several of them, e.g. maxima, python, and giac, lead to conflicts?

Any help appreciated,

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Do you mean style packages like python.ts, giac.ts etc.? They get loaded automatically when a plugin is used. Such packages generally format the output from sessions using the python-output, giac-output, etc. tags. They don’t clash as the session tag looks for the output tag that corresponds to the language of the current session and falls back to the default if it is undefined.

I loaded these style packages via Document->Style->Add Package->Add other Package and then typed in maxima, python and giac. So I guess their *.ts files have been loaded.

Anyway @jeroen, thanks for the information.