Maxima's evaluated response inserts spurious characters

Hello all
The output received back from maxima as math appears to insert multiple * characters (TeXmacs 2.1.4, Windows). Here is an example of what I mean:
Take image , press Ctrl-Enter to evaluate, and we get back image, which looks fine but it is fact not “2*x+1” but instead it is returned as image . This means I can no longer use that response again in Maxima without further manual editing!
Any suggestions for a fix? Thanks.

BTW, I am using the Windows version provided by Phillipe Joyce.
Kind regards,

I tried (TeXmacs 2.1.4, Linux) and for me it works correctly.
I notice that your formulae are surrounded by a red frame; perhaps it means that you have semantic editing enabled and that TeXmacs “isn’t happy” with the semantics. I am not able to reproduce that, but the source of the error might be connected to it—could you try to disable semantic editing and try again?

Thanks for the response. I have tried with and without semantic editing. Same result. It problem seems very specific to a Windows default install.

There is no issue under Linux, or if one uses the portable install of Phillipe’s Windows version (
Very strange!