Mogan 1.2.x plan: from Mogan Editor to Mogan STEM Suite

Mogan: Let us enjoy exploring science and technology!

Mogan 1.2.x will be a STEM suite:

  • Mogan Research
  • Mogan Code
  • Mogan Beamer

Mogan Research is what most users of GNU TeXmacs might need. Because we (Xmacs Labs) are trying to deliver a user-friendly distribution of GNU TeXmacs.

Mogan Code is what @darcy needs. @darcy has been enjoying the structure editing kernel of GNU TeXmacs for over 10 years, and he is not a guy who are writing papers. And now, he will start his journey of making Mogan Code for himself and for fun.

Mogan Beamer is needed by Youtuber/Bilibili Uploader/Teachers. Extra dependencies will be bundled like video players.

Mogan Draw which is created in OSPP by Jia Zhang is just a playground, and Mogan Draw will finally be a very important part of Mogan Beamer.

That’s the long term plan of Mogan 1.2.x. The first app will be Mogan Research v1.2.0. Mogan Code and Mogan Beamer will be released later (I mean, the first Mogan Code might be Mogan Code v1.2.3), and for the last release of Mogan 1.2.x, there will be Mogan Code 1.2.x, Mogan Beamer 1.2.x and Mogan Research 1.2.x. The all in one app (Mogan STEM Suite) will be not released in Mogan v1.2.x.

(@darcy is now working full time on Mogan STEM Suite, sometimes he will be work at the Starbucks Coffee in Mount Mogan. :slight_smile: )