Mogan v1.0.1 released

  • Support GNU/Linux (backport a bug fix by Philippe Joyez)
  • A debian packager script ( cmake/ )
  • Shortcut to insert ①②③ . . . ⑩ for Chinese documents, eg. 1@ to insert ①
  • Demo documents: math part of Chinese College Entrance Examination in 2021 and three poems

This version of Mogan is for publicity, especially for math teachers in China!


To be coherent with the way input of \otimes and similar operators is done in math mode I would suggest to change this keybinding in @1 and not 1@. Is there any reason you choose this binding? Would be great to have these bindings also in the regular TeXmacs.

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Would be great to have these bindings also in the regular TeXmacs.

①②③ . . . ⑩ are wildly used in Chinese documents related to math. I don’t know if it is the same in other country.

I wonder how are these symbols used. I imagine that it is used as numberings of equations, and maybe the enumerated lists? It seems better to integrate these symbols into these contexts instead of manually inputting these symbols?

Here is a screenshot of the built-in doc (2021年高考全国乙卷数学文科试题) in Mogan:

①②③ . . . ⑩ are popular for math exam paper in China. I guess it is because there is an easy way to input ①②③ . . . ⑩ in MS Word (Chinese version). To clarify, I’m not a MS Word user.

If someone want to obtain these math exam papers in China, the easiest way is to pay money to Baidu. Just like Google and Wikipedia, Baidu control how Chinese people reach the knowledge.

It is a well-know news in China that because Baidu are advertising “fake” Hospitals, a young man lost his life in Hospital. See

This is clearly a numbering. One should, theoretically, use the numbering system in TeXmacs instead of manually inputting the numbers, namely, to customize macros render-... and something like \circledref{label} which also generates a link.

Note that there is a macro number to produce various numbering styles such as roman numbers.

I guess both options are useful: to have an \itemize environment with these numerals (and their black variant) and also to be able to place them freely in the document, e.g. to label parts of a drawing and refer to a legend, or to do an inline enumeration like (1) first thing, (2) second and (3) third. Or also to number equations or theorems, or parts of equations, in simple documents.