Hello and sorry if this has been asked somewhere before (I tried to search but couldn’t find anything). After upgrading to TeXmacs 2.1.4 (on M1 mac with Finnish keyboard layout if it makes a difference) I noticed that if I write an inline formula and press enter inside it TeXmacs exits math mode. It used to be the case that one can enter multi-line inline math formulas this way. Does anyone know if I can get the old behavior back somehow? I liked it better that way for quick note taking and formula bashing, although I see that this is probably not what you’d want when writing a more serious document.
Multiple lines in inline equations
Hi @quasisphere and welcome to the forum.
I tried for a short time and I could not get anything, not even a line break to be honored (or maybe I recall wrong, I tried yesterday, but the result wasn’t satisfactory). The only way I found to insert multiple lines is with a table, but it is not as convenient as a press of the Return key (shortcuts may help especially with getting the alignment that you want).
Thanks for the tip on using tables! That indeed helps a bit.
I also noticed that Mogan still has the old behavior that I like, but my Finnish keyboard layout does not work very well with it since $ is typed using Option-4, which in Mogan produces a paragraph environment.
I would suggest raising a ticket on Savannah, devs don’t really monitor this forum often
I tracked down the change and it seems like it was intentional. Quoting https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?63666
The bug is due to the fact that you pressed “enter” inside your formula, so your formula became a “multiple paragraph” formula at a certain point. In fact, this should never be possible for inline formulas. I fixed this by making the cursor leave the formula when you press enter.
So I think I’ll just adapt my workflow. I guess one could ask whether multiple paragraph formulas would make sense as a separate ‘scratchpad’ environment.
Adding keyboard shortcuts for the constructs that you use could make the workflow smoother, there are a few examples in the forum; complex constructs, for example a table with custom padding and alignment, can be “copied as Scheme” and then insert
-ed with a keyboard shortcut, even placing the cursor where you want (insert-go-to
Looks like a good idea, maybe one can program it? I don’t see how but maybe someone sees how?