Need help with setting up macros/snippets

I am trying to setup texmacs (mogan) for a lot of math typing. I used in the past obsidian for note-taking and there was a plugin called obsidian-latex-suite that is pretty helpful.

My first question is how to setup snippets for greek letters? for example if I want to insert the greek letter alpha I need to press a+TAB but I want it to be ;a and it would convert to the letter alpha.

My second question is how I can setup snippets with multiple arguments? For example I want to define a snippet for writing partial derivatives. I will write the snippet for latex to make sure this can be understood. If I write pdv inside equation i want it to become \frac{\partial $1}{\partial $2} $0. How I can define something like that?

I tried to use the jolly writer book but got lost…
If someones know about blog posts or videos that talk about texmacs for fast math typing I would like know :smiley:
Sorry for the long topic and thanks a lot!

I do not want to sound too negative wrt customisation but my own personal experience is that the current shortcuts are very efficient and learnable in short time (I do not see what you would gain to remap the greek letters). I’m not really mad for fast typing (as thinking math requires more time than type it) but I’ve been able to type several blackboard talks (including images) online. You can see them here: it is a series of talk given in a seminar some time ago and as you can check the math is sometimes quite elaborate, still I was able to keep up with the speaker writing on a blackboard. I guess this is the fastest you would ever need. I also have several videos on YouTube delivering lectures using Zoom+TeXmacs e.g.

If anyway you want to redefine keybinding you should look for “keybindings” with the search tool of the forum and you will find pages like the following: How to define my own keybinding which explain in some detail what to do.

This may also be of interest, a short guide I wrote a while back: Curly letters with tab shortcut