I am trying to setup texmacs (mogan) for a lot of math typing. I used in the past obsidian for note-taking and there was a plugin called obsidian-latex-suite that is pretty helpful.
My first question is how to setup snippets for greek letters? for example if I want to insert the greek letter alpha I need to press a+TAB
but I want it to be ;a
and it would convert to the letter alpha.
My second question is how I can setup snippets with multiple arguments? For example I want to define a snippet for writing partial derivatives. I will write the snippet for latex to make sure this can be understood. If I write pdv inside equation i want it to become \frac{\partial $1}{\partial $2} $0
. How I can define something like that?
I tried to use the jolly writer book but got lost…
If someones know about blog posts or videos that talk about texmacs for fast math typing I would like know
Sorry for the long topic and thanks a lot!