Need write the simbol "$"

Hello. I need write the simbol of dollar .
How write simbol of dollar?
Please, help me.

Hi and welcome to the forum!
First press the $ key, immediately after press the tab key. This works in TeXmacs for other symbols too, for example for \.


A suggestion: TeXmacs uses a coherent but not very common way of assigning the keybindings, for newcomers it will always pay out to read the few pages in the online manual first (Help->Manual->…) they give you a broad overview of how TeXmacs works. This will save you a lot of time afterwards and also allow you to learn the fastest (and easiest) ways to achieve certain results. Then you can progressively integrate them in your workflow (or not).

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Thanks pireddag, very thousands million thanks. :+1:
I’m happy whit TexMacs.

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Thanks mgubi.