Nested enumerate without newline?

I’d like to have nested enumerate environments like this:

1 (a) foo
  (b) bar
  (c) baz

Instead of:

  (a) foo
  (b) bar
  (c) baz

I’m aware it’s possible to remove the newline between parent and nested enumerates by editing the tm file outside TeXmacs:




    <item> ...

However, within TeXmacs, it doesn’t allow me to delete this newline, not even in source code editing mode. Is it possible to disable this enforced newline behavior or define a new environment that behaves differently?

I looked into it and I did not understand how it works. If you do not get any answer here, you might post as well in the TeXmacs mailing list (texmacs-users, see instructions at, where sometimes Joris van der Hoeven answers users questions.

Thanks for looking into it and for the advice, @pireddag.

From what I gathered so far, this enforced newline is not limited to lists. Anytime there’s a newline between a tag and its parameters, this newline cannot be removed, not even in source code editing mode (as far as I know). For example, in a document with the following source:




    bar baz


When rendered, the newline between the words “foo” and “bar” cannot be deleted. Likewise, in source code editing mode, the newline between the strong tag and its content cannot be deleted as well.

I’ll write to the mailing list and bring back here any solution or workaround. Thanks again.