Numbering by Subsection

Is it possible to change the environment numbering (e.g. for definitions and theorems) to follow the subsection instead of section?

Also, can something similar be done with equation numbering?

Right click while in one of the environments -> Preferences -> Prefix by section number

If done in Theorem, is applied to definitions and equations as well (I think one can generalize :slight_smile: )

Hi @pireddag, yes that is true for section number, although I’m not sure how to do this with sub-section number, i.e. have Theorem 2.1.1. instead of Theorem 2.1.

Would you happen to know of a command that could give this behaviour?

I had not seen the sub in your question, sorry.

I investigated a bit with the help of the macro editor. I think you need to redefine both the subsection-clean macro (which is called by the subsection macro) and the display-std-env macro.

The subsection-clean macro should include the reset-std-env macro—I do not know whether it should still include subusbsection-clean like it does in the macros I have now, one needs to investigate more; see the section-clean macro, as it is when you have selected “Prefix by section number”, for a model;
the display-std-env macro that I have now (again with “Prefix by section number” selected, I did not check how it is when “Prefix by section number” is not selected) is


and I think it should have subsection-prefix instead of section-prefix.

Let me know if you think that you can pick things up from here (of course one can always discuss).

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This can also be achieved by loading the package number-long-article.


I have figured out that I need to (quoting from Theorem numbering)

but I did not find out how to use the package to do numbering by sub-section