when i create a one-cell-block with thickness 0.15ln using some shortcut in my-init-texmacs
then if i create new cells the new cells do not inherit the propertie of 0.15ln and have thickness of line by default (maybe 0.5 ?)
i know (Giovanni) i could parameter some “by default settings” of TeXmacs and i have wondered if it was the way i want
but my aim is one day to be able to share easily all what i create
(see lemathoscope.com/LWS_FTP/liens_provisoires/_modele.pdf
so my question :
how could i change the code in my-init-texmacs
so that not only the first unique cell have thin lines, but also the eventual news cells added by the user
original files :
.pdf : https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ikmzptdxhf6fevg5tftgc/aj-tm-pb-cell-thin.pdf?rlkey=l2jtnhmn99hlicxuiledy4bbo&dl=0
.tm : https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/37depqdfw80yoqn9lf0bb/aj-tm-pb-cell-thin.tm?rlkey=ha7bfoejcjxdiumvxof1wnksm&dl=0