Option key (OS X) not working with MoganResearch for BEPO and Belgian keyboard layout

Dear all,

I installed MoganResearch v. for OS X and apparently key combinations with OPTION key do not work. Though it worked well with Mogan v.1.1.x.

Does anyone has a fix to suggest?

Best regards,

see https://mogan.app/guide/Mogan_versus_TeXmacs.html#shortcuts

Could you explicitly point out which key combo related to Option does not work? I made some necessary changes to the key bindings and tried to keep it consistent on Linux (KDE)/Windows and macOS.

Hi Darcy,
For example the combo for obtaining backslash " \ ".

The combo for the BEPO keyboard layout is OPTION-À. For the Belgian keyboard layout, it is OPTION-SHIFT-/


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