I have some framed or ornamented content that is too long to fit on one page. Page breaking does not seem to work in these environments, so I have to split it manually. Does anyone know of a way to have frames that span multiple pages?
Page breaking in framed or ornamented
I agree that it would be nice to have some form of page breaking inside environments,
and most importantly inside tables and ornaments. But this is tricky to implement,
so I did not have time for this yet.
No worries, I can manage by manually breaking the content. Thanks for the feedback and the awesome software!
How do you manually break within an ornamented frame? If I put a \new-page or a \page-break it does not work.
It’s not very convenient, but I simply make multiple frames and divide the content by copy-pasting parts into different ones.
ah, but for automatically generated frames, like “Framed Theorems”, do you know a possibility?
I haven’t yet looked into it, but you could make frames in the same style as the theorem.