Page size incorrect in pdf export

I am trying to create a document in letter size. I’ve changed the document to letter, but when I export the pdf, it is formatted as A4-- the page sizes don’t match when I try to merge it with another document in Preview. What am I doing wrong?

For that matter, is there a way to set preferences so that letter is my default rather than A4, since I am in Canada and not Europe?

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I indeed tried myself and it seems to be a bug with the PDF export. I will report it in the bugtracker.

The default size can be set in File->Page setup.

@PatrickM what OS are you using? I can’t reproduce this on Linux, so it might be platform-specific.

Well, there is Document->Page->Page type which in my opinion should be honoured and which currently is not, on the Mac.

Yes, certainly, that suggestion was in response to

I didn’t mean to say this should solve the issue with the PDF export.