Paste (ctrl-v) doesn't work

Update: It somehow works properly today after I restart my PC. I suspect TeXmacs might not be able to write to the clipboard yesterday.

Something weird happens and I can’t figure it out.

When I press ctrl-x, the selected text will be deleted. But i cannot paste it either by Edit->Paste or pressing the ctrl-v. Also, from my menu I can see the shortcuts for copy and paste are ctrl-ins and shft-ins.

Tried solution: binding ctrl-c, ctrl-x, ctrl-v keys.
I tried the method in this post but it doesn’t work: Change short cuts for copy ans paste
After adding this customized code, it looks like the copy, paste, and cut functions’ key bindings haven’t been changed at all. Please see the screenshot below.

Screenshot of my edit menu:

Is this a bug? Many thanks!

BTW I am using windows 11. I changed the feel and look to windows in the preference.
And shift-ins ctrl-ins don’t work as indicated by the menu ( cannot paste using shift-ins).
However, I can paste from a 3rd-party editor, e.g., Sublime, by ctrl-c, then paste the text to TeXmacs by ctrl-v.

I played around and changed the shortcuts by changing the code in the generic-kbd.scm file in the generic folder

("C-x" (kbd-cut))
("C-v" (kbd-paste))
("C-c" (kbd-copy))

Now it looks like i can use the shortcut

But nothing changed. I still cannot paste the content that is cut from TeXmacs. I can only paste content from outside of TeXmacs

To me it looks like a bug, I encountered it myself on a Windows laptop I have used at work but I have never investigated or reported it, and I don’t have any more access to that laptop.

A search at brings out a few bugs on copy/pasting, but no-one looks like this one, so perhaps it is good to report it (including the operating system in the report). It is also possible to check whether there are any error messages starting TeXmacs from the Powershell and using a file for output, see; I think I never tried to see keypresses in Windows using the TeXmacs debug facility (menu Debug), perhaps the list of keypresses will give some hints for this bug.

Thank you for the reply!

It somehow works properly today after I restart my PC. I suspect TeXmacs might not be able to write the clipboard yesterday. I will record the error if I encounter the bug next time.