Prevent certain characters from stretching apart

When using a standard justified alignment, characters in a given line will spread out or squeeze together depending on how many characters are in a line. Let’s say I want to prevent two specific adjacent characters from moving at all with respect to each other. (I want this because I’ve made a “custom symbol” by overlaying two symbols via move.) How would I do this?

Also, I know that some units of space are absolute while some are relative—are there further distinctions to be aware of that might affect this? Currently I’m using spc.

In section 14.8 of the manual there is a list of “Rigid font-dependent length units”, perhaps that is what you want.
I suspect that the unit emunit in tne list is a mistype and should be em.

Could you please post a screenshot of what you would like to prevent from happening?

What about using \nbsp (non-breaking space)? You can type it by pressing [space] and then [tab].

\nbsp seems to render as a slightly grey dash instead of being invisible, for some reason; but moreover, it still seems to allow the characters either side of it to stretch apart in justified alignment, so unfortunately I don’t think it solves the problem.

If I use \move to slightly overlay two adjacent characters (here ∃ and ⋉) to create a composite symbol, they stretch slightly apart in lines with fewer characters in justified alignment: contrast the two following instances.
image image
(I’m using the standard Generic style, with the standard justified alignment it provides, so lines with fewer character( width)s have a larger character spacing than lines with more character( width)s.)

Hmm, at first I really thought this would work, and tried em, ln, and sep. Then I realized why it’s not working: the spacing isn’t coming from the units of move, but instead from the spacing between the two adjacent characters. (Note that there is no space character between the two characters; they’re consecutive. It’s just that their spacing is changing due to how justification works, and I need to somehow prevent that from applying…)

What happens if you put both characters inside a superpose tag? I don’t find documentation on superpose, I think it is made for obtaining composite symbols.

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Try to put them in a tabular, I don’t see any stretching when these two symbols are combined in a tabular.

Update: there do exists stretching when I zoom in 500%, even in a tabular.

I guess the easiest way to make them a real single symbol is to submit a request to unicode committee suggesting adding this character to unicode table. lol

That’s it! This works perfectly!! Thanks so much!

(For anyone reading this in the future who wants to do the same, don’t simply choose Superpose from the Format > Special menu; type \superpose (don’t hit enter or tab) and ctrl-rightarrow, ctrl-rightarrow (as many times as needed). If you hit enter or tab, thing get…confusing, since it then renders the superpose tag :upside_down_face:)